People: Raph Bruwhiler


Well, this photo pretty much sums up Raph. Raph is the most bad ass human I think I have ever met. Being a surfer from Canada, you have to put some serious time and effort in if you want to get good waves. Also, you have to not only be a world class surfer to surf these heavy open ocean waves, you have to be a man of nature. He has this place absolutely dialed.  You would never know seeing him out to dinner with his wife and two kids, but out in the wild waters or the wilderness of Canada he clicks and ignites this inner fire that is superman like. Once he is in the wilderness, there is nothing he can’t do. Without saying or acting cocky in any way, just by being around Raph you can tell he knows what he is doing. Catch fish for dinner and make a feast? Sure. Scared of bears? Pshhh no way. Big right slabs? Bring it on. He drives his boat from island to island searching for waves, catching fish, and hunting. I just visited Raph last week and Canada and I was truly blown away at his ability to live off the land. Just incase a bear or a cougar decided to stalk our campsite, Raph slept with a gun in his arms at night ready to save the day. On top of all this manly shit he does, he’s absolutely an amazing dude and will always have your back. Thanks again Raph for an amazing trip and experience in Canada! Can’t wait until we are getting tubed again.

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