“In The Jersey” Finals Day Pipe Masters
Wow, what an insane event. I can’t really put into words how much fun i had surfing and spectating the last few days here at the pipe masters. What a dream come true to surf firing pipeline with only one other guy out. My heat with Gabriel was so fun and such a great learning […]
Surf Porn: Maxing Pipeline
This was a huge day at pipe! We were sitting in the yard and had seen a few people paddle out and sneak a few waves. When the lineup was empty again we decided to give it a go! It was so much fun surfing with just a few good friends out at firing pipeline!! […]
Inspire: Tavarua, Fiji
The second episode of Parker’s “Inspire” series follows him to the place in which he first fell in love with surfing, Tavarua, Fiji. Tweet
Snapper Rocks Super Session
Well what can we say!? When Mick Fanning calls you and tells you Snapper is going to be firing and to come surf with him and Joel Parkinson, two of your childhood heroes, you get just a little bit excited. We had the most epic session sharing waves with these guys. Some waves were paddle […]
Conner – Bonzer 3D
Here’s one session i had in hawaii riding the new CI Bonzer 3D model. It’s a really fast little board that you can surf in a unique way. You can really ride the board forward and get a ton of speed but then step back and turn it on a dime. It is really smooth […]
Adventures of the Youngwisetails Hawaii-2017
Per the last post, here is our newest episode! Hawaii has been a blast so far this season! Tweet
Replay : Episode 5 – Hawaii
The first year we started youngwisetails we made “The adventures of the young wise tails.” Perry edited a few classic videos with parker and I throughout a few different trips. We were traveling together a ton at the time and we would laugh our asses off and surf a ton. We were watching this when […]
Sunset Day 1

Fired up the 6’8″ CI today and surfed some solid Sunset Beach in Round 3 of the Sunset Pro. There were a few good waves, but a lot of wash throughs! I didn’t have a great heat but got a few mid range scores and got through. Super stoked to have Parker caddying for me […]
The James Brand

I’m super excited about working with the James Brand. James is a brand originated by a legendary group of people from Oregon/CA focusing on making killer knives and owning the every day accessories of our pockets. I’ve carried knives for a long time and just found them super useful in my day to day life […]
North Shore #1

It’s been so fun to be back hanging on the north shore! It’s pretty wild to think that i’ve been over here every season since i was 12 years old! The waves haven’t been epic north shore conditions, but there’s been plenty of surf every day! Here are a few photos from a session out […]
It’s late to make it on the blog… But, here’s our jbay edit!!! Perry nailed it as always! Jbay is such an amazing wave and we scored so hard for the event!!! Miss it down there. Tweet
Here it is! “Year one” loosely follows my rookie year on the WSL world tour and sheds a light into what makes me tick as a competitor, surfer, and person. I love what I do and the people that I get to share my days with make them even better! I hope that every kid […]
“Year One” Premier

We had a blast last friday night premiering “year one” to an epic crew at the Lucky Llama Cafe! We partnered with “Young and The Brave”and we were able to raise 2000 dollars in donations! Huge thank you to everyone who came out and to Rincon Brewery and Figueroa Mountain Brewing company for all of […]
We are super excited to launch LEUS !!! Check out the website HERE As a brand our goal is to provide you with exciting quality towels that are going to brighten and add more fun to beach going, pool partying, laying out, rat tailing your friends, whatever it may be we’re going to keep it […]
Something To Get PSYCHED!
I can’t believe how fast this year has gone! Holy S*&%T!!! But here we are at the pipe masters (and i still can’t believe i’m in the pipe masters!!!). The forecast has been a difficult one and we had to get round 1 done at small backdoor and with the northerly swell direction it was […]
Coffin Brother’s Surf Out Vid!
Much overdue… our apologies!!! Maybe you have seen it on the YWT youtube channel. Anyways, we had an AMAZING day hanging out with all of the groms. It’s such an epic day to put on and we are so grateful for all of you guys who came out and participate and make it such a […]
Parker Coffin x Youngwisetails Take 2
So… this edit came out a month ago and got taken down to music rights. I learned my lesson, went through the steps and bought the song, and then added a little something special to make it different. I always watch my favorite regular foots as goofy foots so I can understand their surfing better […]
“Whatever Beach” Conner
Whatever Beach : Conner Coffin from Vacation Club on Vimeo. Tweet

I was lucky enough to get invited to Western Australia with the Surfing Mag crew to partake in their annual #SURFINGfactory. The factory is a two part trip featuring two separate groups of surfers that are surfing everyday and producing content on the web that is posted throughout the duration of the trip as well […]
A MoNtaGe… of footage from late!
Damn! We had a fun run of waves at home, fun waves in Hawaii, and also a super fun first leg of the World Tour down in Australia. Perry was with me for a good chunk of these travels and he put this together last week. Music is Van Hande Med Dem by the Brian […]
WSL ITS ON (and so is Conner)

Well, The first WCT event of the year, as well as Conner’s first event on tour, just wrapped up a few days ago. If you didn’t get to watch any of the action i feel really bad for you. I was basically glued to my computer at extremely off hours of the night cheering for […]
Beach Chair Interview w/ Stab
Beach Chair: Conner Coffin, right now from STAB on Vimeo. Tweet
Hurley Hyperweave
Ryan and I were part of a trip to Mexico for Hurley’s newest board short! Here is a quick video from the trip. Tweet