Coffin Brothers Surf Out: WRAP


It’s in the books! The first official “Coffin Brothers Surf Out” was held this weekend in amazing weather and super fun waves. We couldn’t have been luckier with the day that we scored. Sheet glass, 75 degrees, and perfect waist to shoulder high waves. Families came from San Clemente to Santa Cruz and everywhere in between to camp and hang out at Jalama campgrounds and participate in all of the fun. It was so amazing to see how stoked all of the kids were and also how hard they were ripping!!! Parker and I couldn’t have been more pleased with the turnout of the weekend and I couldn’t wipe the grin from my face while watching all of the kids rip and roll around and the sand. Huge thank you to Chris Keet and the Surfhappens Foundation for making this event possible, all of the amazing kids and families who made it an unforgettable weekend, and the sponsors support and epic “shwag!” We are already excited for next year!!!!!
Here’s a whole slew of photos from Seth DeRoulet. Click on em to make em bigger!
Video coming soon!

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