Goldy Arrival


Gerr and I arrived at our humble abode here on the point at Burleigh yesterday and let me tell you, the life down under is the good life. We made our way out from Brisbane by way of Chase Wilson and his ozzie friend Anthony. They are legends and we thank them greatly because if it weren’t for them we might still be figuring out the confusing train system. But, our journey did entail stacking the car quite high with board bags. People honked at us the whole way trying to warn us of our catastrophic board stack, but we just threw them all a thumbs up and kept on driving. Once at Burleigh we surfed the super fun rock bank out frontAnyways, Parker and Perry are in Hawaii while Gerr and I are here for the World Juniors. Unfortunately FATBOYSURFCAMP is disassembled and I greatly miss my counterparts. We’re going to have an epic time, and so will they, but it’s just not quite the same without the team fully assembled. I’m exhausted, Gerr’s exhausted, and we’re getting up at 430 to surf straddy, so I’m passing out. Good night…..ZZZZZ



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