Tail of the Week : Catherine Zeta Jones

Basically, we watched Zorro the other night (the first one) and decided Cather Zeta Jones was one of the most beautiful women to ever walk the earth. Here’s proof. If you haven’t watched Zorro we highly recommend it. It’s epic. Tweet
Tail of the Week: Olga Maliouk

It’s wednesday, the fog has lifted, and it’s a great day for a tail of the week. Olga Maliouk. Baberham-Lincoln Tweet
Tail of The Week: Kelly Brook

It’s been almost a month since we’ve posted anything on here. Shal we say a holiday break? Regardless, we are fired up and the blog is going to come back to life starting now! We weren’t sure how to kick off the revival, but we thought a Tail of the Week wouldn’t be a bad […]
Tail of the Week!!!
This is Sahara Ray. It’s funny because we’ve actually known Sahara for a long time because she used to do the NSSA Gold coast season with us. However, when I knew Sahara she wasn’t all grown up and a model. So yea, she went from being a gurfer in Santa Cruz to doing stuff like […]
Tail of the week winner.

A while ago we did a post about a tail of the week comp. We got some entries, not quite the turnout we were hoping for, but we were able to pick a winner! Sorry for the delay, but we’ve been quite busy!!! This is a photo of Jade Forbes photographed by Jake Vincent. A […]
Tail of the Week Contest!!!!

Be our tail of the week!!!!! Today is Monday and Monday is usually a good day to post a new Tail of the Week. But, this week we thought we might do things a little bit differently. We want you girls out there to send us submissions for tail of the week so that […]
Tail of the Week

Today is Tit, I mean Tue, titty, i mean Tuesday. But today it will be titty tuesday thanks to Jordan Carver. Tweet
Tail of the Week: Elsa Hosk

Woah. She is stunningly beautiful. So beautiful that she deserves two tail of the weeks. Here are three photos of her, but you should probably google her just to see some of the other amazing photos. Maybe we’ll do a color edition of her too. For now, Elsa Hosk in black and white. Tweet
Happy Easter!
Happy Easter everybody from Youngwisetails and Kate Upton Tweet
Tail of the Week: Isis Laurent

Providing us with a bit of a sophisticated look for this week is Isis Laurent. There weren’t too many photos of her, well there were, but we try to stay away from the nude ones for our younger viewers. Well, actually, mostly so that their Mom’s don’t get mad at us and block our website […]
Tail of the Week: Swimsuits
This week’s Tail of the Week is unique. It isn’t one woman but in fact multiple women. It isn’t just three photos but instead a video. A video of very pretty women in very pretty bikinis posing in very sexual ways for Surfing Magazine’s Swimsuit edition. Doctor’s orders. Tweet
Tail of the Week: Nicole Williams

I can’t even describe to you how much fun I have looking for these Tails over the internet. Something about picking a beautiful women is really satisfying. Too bad it’s not real life… Check out Nicole Williams you won’t be sad. Tweet
Tail of the Week: Karlie Kloss

Wow… however you want to say it, Karlie Kloss is HOT. If she were a president she’d be Babe-raham Lincoln. She’d give a dog a bone. SHWINGGG Tweet
Tail of The Week

A one hit wonder with no name. Sent to us by a friend, Manny, we thought it was well deserving of a tail of the week. Let us know if anyone knows who this mystery girl is. Until then she remains anonymous and mysterious, which is probably for the better. Tweet
Kate Upton :)
Welllll Kate Upton is awesome. This beyond a tail of the week. Next Level Tweet
Tail of the Week: Elisha Cuthbert

What a rig!!!!! I love her. She’s captures the classic blonde look. Shwinggggggg 🙂 Tweet
Tail of The Week: Catrin Claeson
Catrin Claeson. This Tail of The Week has more photos than normal. There were just so many, it was hard to narrow it down. So, we just left them all hoping to satisfy everyone’s likings. Tweet