Quiver: Indo


En route to Bali for 2 weeks and then onwards to a Surfing Magazine/Monster trip somewhere in the northern part of Indonesia. I packed a mixed bag. The guys at CI banged me out a few beautiful looking new boards. Boards that have me salivating. Then i threw in a few old boards and a trusty old one. Here’s the breakdown.

Closest: 5’9 Fred Rubble 18 3/4, 2 1/4,  Fred Rubble 5’9  18 5/8  2 1/4 , DFR 5’10 18 1/2 2 1/4 RP tail, DFR 5’10 18 1/2 2 1/4 RP tail, Proton 5’11” 18 3/8 2 1/4, To the Right: Proton 5’11” 18 1/2 2 3/16


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