The Tails

El Rincon


Here’s Perry’s interpretation of Rincon last week. The Queen sure is an amazing wave when she decides to share with us… So much fun!!!!



Waves!? At home!?


Yep, it happened, it finally happened. Waves at home, and man, there sure were waves. Really, really perfect blue sparkling cylinders.  I flew home from Hawaii to compete in the Rincon Classic and unfortunately had a full shocker and lost in my first heat. But, I stayed home for the next five days and i think i spent more time in my wetsuit than out of it from Monday to Wednesday. The waves were pumping and we were posting up on the sand from sunrise to sunset. I honestly couldn’t remember the last time the waves pumped like that in Santa Barbara. I think it has been several years… Anyways, I felt like a full super grom again. It was actually surreal how good it was and it just felt magical down on the beach with the waves roping and the perfect weather. It was also rad to share some waves with all of my friends at home and see how stoked they were. It was good vibes all around and I’m still buzzing from those sessions. Jimmicane was hanging with Perry and I all week and snapped these photos from the swell. Seth Roulet shot the line up… the whole gallery from the swell is at www.surfingmagazine.comm, and Perry is working on an edit upstairs as we speak…. .






Old World New


This past October I surfed throughout Ericiera, Portugal with two legends by my side: Griffin Colapinto and Nic Von Rupp. To document all of our antics we had Surfing Magazine’s  Sean Benik (filmer), Corey Wilson (Photographer), and Beau Flemister (writer). We scored fun waves, ate a lot, laughed even more, and were the biggest tourists ever with our “OOOOOOOOOO’s” and “AHHHHHHHH’s” as we passed by Europe’s pristine coastline. Surfing Magazine ran a killer article in their newest issue and put together these really unique web features. You can choose to view them in standard form, or the interactive form. Check out the link below to the web feature:



Tunes: ABB


ABB, The Allman Brothers Band has to be one of the greatest bands of all time. Certainly Dickey Betts and Duane Allman are two of the best guitar players to every lay hands on an axe. They make em sing like no other… Anyhow, they were very well known for the live performances and amazing jams of their popular songs. Here is a live video of them playing “whipping post,” one of my favorite ABB songs. Enjoy. Oh to live in the days of good old rock n’ roll….

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Bella Vita CA Premier!


Remember Bella Vita? Well, if not, last year in october parker and I spent several weeks traveling through Italy with Chris Del Moro, Leonardo Fiorivanti, our Uncle Jason Baffa, and an awesome crew in search of waves and as much Italian culture as possible. Our uncle documented it all on 35mm film and did a wonderful job of telling the story of surfing in Italy and how it ties into their amazing culture. The film has already premiered at the San Sebastian film festival, but it is coming to Santa Barbara on February third at the Arlington Theatre. It will be part of the SB film festival and tickets are available through the Sb film fest website if you click HERE. Come and check it out, pass the flyer/info along, and enjoy!!!
