Board Blog

5’9 18 5/8 2 1/4 squash tail, 5 fin future set up. This is a fairly new board. I took it to Indo two weeks ago and rode it on a head high, fast, down the line right that was quite shred-able. She’s real fast, real loose, and is fun in just about anything. I […]
I get psyched to surf watching…

All creative in their unique styles, these movies capture surfing and artistic lifestyle to make kids like myself foam out the mouth for their next surf. If you haven’t seen these yet, I highly recommend it. Tweet

Gerr has got me into this band Soundgarden. They’re an older band that has a heavier head banging feel to all of their songs. As I got my new boards I had a hard time figuring out what to draw and as I put my new Soundgarden songs on I noticed the awesome album cover. […]
Board Blog

5’11 18 3/8 2 3/16 squash tail, proton, future fins. This is the board that I rode in the pipeline pro junior contest just last week. I love my Fred rubbles, but when the waves are over head, juicy, and bowly, nothing has quite the drive and hold that a proton does. This board in […]
Board Art

Boredom+new boards+ paint= ART DAYS!!! I love art days so much. Especially when I get to do art on 3 of the best looking small wave boards I have had in a really long time. I get way too excited every time I get new surfboards and sometimes run straight into doing art on them […]
Pipeline Pro Junior

Well it didn’t end up being the perfect day at Pipe that everyone was hoping for, but the contest ran in 3 foot super fun rights at gums (just to the right of pipe) which I was super pumped on!!! A week of north swell turned gums into a sick sandbar ending at pipe on […]
Tail of the Week: Elisha Cuthbert

What a rig!!!!! I love her. She’s captures the classic blonde look. Shwinggggggg 🙂 Tweet
Burleigh World Juniors: Day 1
Burleigh is kinda like Rincon. Perfect little reeling rights along a rock point. So it’s been a pleasure to surf Rincon for two weeks before coming over here for this contest. The water is so clean and crystal clear here that it is nearly hard to concentrate on turning while your going down the line. […]
Coming Soon: Rincon Vid…

It was good. It was Clean. It was sunny. It was crowded, but with the right people. It was a perfect day at Rincon. Here’s some screen grabs from Perry’s edit. We’ll be posting the vid on Monday….. Tweet
Hyped Swell With Jimmicane
Jimmy Wilson, AKA Jimmicane, AKA Jaguar Jimmy, is a classic human. Opinionated, straight forward, honest, patriotic, passionate, hilarious. Jimmy has made a name for himself photographing surfing, most notably for his Jimmicangle, as well as writing/photo editing for Surfing Magazine. He patented the term “whitewater rafting” within the world of surf, and has taught us […]
Chocolate Dipped
You know those strawberries that you dip in chocolate? That taste realllyyy good? That’s what our necks look like. It’s a good thing though, because it means we’ve been surfing a LOT. Parker took a picture of mine tonight, but it doesn’t even do it justice. Damn. Tweet

Shaping…? Well, I tried. I was bored this afternoon so I went into Channel Islands and met with Mike Walters and Blake Howard. They instructed me how to shape my first ever shortboard. I had a lot of fun, but realized how hard it is. I definitely will never say a board looks horrible again […]
Hawaii Seen Through a Holga
Hawaii is so much fun in the late season. It mellows out, the sand is blasted away, and the waves tend to pump. Last year I was there for 2 weeks at the end of March. The waves were firing, I got stitches and a staff infection. I ended up spending long days staring at […]
Hawaii Round 2
Here we go! Back to Hawaii tomorrow with some mental looking boards. Channel Islands has been pumping out some AMAZING boards lately. Can’t wait to surf some real waves on some real boards these next few weeks! Tweet
Spray of The Day
Mid way through sticker-ing up a fresh Fred Rubble. Black rails. Clean, simple, yet timeless in my opinion. I see them as functional, aero dynamic. Boards just look faster and tougher with black rails. Knife like, built for speed…. Tweet
Thanksgiving is fatboysurfcamp’s favorite holiday of the year. Hanging out with the family, surfing fun waves, and eating amazing food. Three of our favorite things! Here’s a recap of our thanksgiving and we hope all of you Guys had as much fun as us!! Happy turkey day! Tweet
Winter is here! I’ve been home for around a week and its been showing me the signs of winter! Waves have been pretty small, the air and the water has been cold, and fire’s in the fireplaces have been warm! I’ve done my best to keep warm by drinking coffee, eating soup for way too […]
After two days over here we’ve ha some fun waves, some nice sunsets and just good times hanging out. Waves are pretty small today, but it’s good to be out of the rain at home. Here is a photographic recount of the last few days…. Tweet
Rip Andy
Today, November 2nd, is going to always be remembered as a sad day. Last year in Puerto Rico, the world was shocked of Andy’s death. I was actually in Dallas airport, where he died, when they announced his death. I had seen him the day before, talked with him, and concluded we would see each […]
Bagus Bali
An ongoing Bali photo journal starts here**** Tweet