Down South

Well, its getting to be that time of year where the waves get flat in our beloved Santa Barbara. In the summer months the Channel Islands block most of our beaches from the south swell in the summer time so we pack up the cars and head south. This particular shot is at Newport Beach. It’s […]
Goofy Foot Power Psyche
Just hanging out at home doing some of my last little bit of schoolwork for the year and started thinking about surfing… Next thing you know I’m watching old videos of Occy rip the lip off of poor waves heads. When boredom strikes, give yourself a little Goofy Foot Power Psyche and get motivated to […]

Well… I’m definitely not the most artistically talented man in the world, but I do enjoy picking up some paint and a canvass to do some doodling. Yesterday, I found this canvass and just randomly came up with this idea in my head. i think the most amazing part about doing art is that it […]
Bella Vita Kickstarter!

Bella Vita has just started a Kickstarter and they would like your help! Tweet
Happy Easter!
Happy Easter everybody from Youngwisetails and Kate Upton Tweet
Strange Brains!!!!

Howdy, Just wanted to let everybody know that my “strange brains,” a Volcom rider created web series, will be airing on Monday April 1st on ! It is playing exclusively on transworld’s website the first day but after that it will be available on all major surf websites for your viewing pleasures. To see […]
Throwback Thursday!! Chile
This was a little video that was put together from my trip to Chile this summer. We got pretty skunked, but still managed to have a good time. After this trip, I had never driven so much in my life. I think when it was all said in done we spent 24 hours driving in […]
Busy Busy Busy!

Well, the past few months have been absolutely amazing! We traveled to Morocco, Tahiti, and Hawaii and have had so much fun in each place. It has been so much fun being able to experience such a variety of places in such a short period of time. Morocco was such an interesting experience. The airline […]
Bye Morocco !

We just returned from an amazing trip to Morocco. We surfed amazing waves, got to hangout with amazing people, and got to ride camels!! This was one of the more fun trips of my life without a doubt. A big thanks to Moroccan Surf Adventures for the amazing hospitality and we look forward to seeing […]
Hawaiian Vacation

Well, it’s true when people say Hawaii is paradise. We have been having so much fun surfing, eating, and laughing with all of our friends over here. The waves have been pretty much pumping. A nice mixture with some rippable waves and good Pipeline days. However, we have been landlocked the past few days due […]
Pupukea Grill

This is our main headquarters for Fatboysurfcamp on the North Shore of Oahu. On a daily basis, and when I say that I literally mean every day, we make our way down to this amazing food truck with empty stomaches and leave happy and full. With the standard north shore surf crew constantly flowing in […]
It’s that wonderful time of the year again! Cold mornings, 4/3’s, and good waves for us surfers in Santa Barbara! I just got back to my house after a very long travel stint. Conner and I traveled to Bali for the ASP World Junior Championships and then to Italy to work on a new surf […]
Board Blog

Since we have arrived in Bali, the waves have been really fun. Consistent chest to head high surf, slight wind bump, but shreddable to say the least. I got a lovely new quiver of boards right before this trip and have been trying the various shapes in all kinds of waves. So far, I’ve liked […]
Proper Surf Etiquette

As you can see in this perfect demonstration below people don’t seem to know proper surf etiquette these days. Just the other weekend Conner and I decided we would head down to surf Lowers. Knowing it was going to be crowded, we still thought it would be one of those days where you just sneak […]
A Real Surfer.
Mason Ho is the definition of a surfer. Different than a “free surfer”, because I don’t think free surfers have as much fun as Mason does. While watching his videos I can’t help but laugh and get a big smile because he can make such small, shitty, and windy wave look fun. There isn’t one […]