Channel Islands Leashes

Channel Islands has semi recently started making surf accessories (AKA board bags, leashes, pads, backpacks). In our opinions, they are the best in the business. Everything has a nice look, but most importantly everything is super functional. We recently worked with them to release our own leashes. The far left one is mine and is […]
Board Blog: The “Coffin”

Have you ever seen a cooler looking surfboard than this?!?!? Halloween just happened and Chanel Islands decided to get very into the holiday and shape me this amazing looking “coffin.” The artwork on it is seriously unbelievable. Between the artistic ability it took to create the shape, and then the penmanship to draw the amazing […]
Italy Blog #3

Yesterday we got up super early and drove a few hours in search of waves. We wound down a mountainside town that ended at the emerald Mediterranean Sea. The night before was poring rain and howling wind with bolts of lightning exploding all night long. But this morning we were greeted with perfectly sunny skies […]
Italy Blog #2

The other day we we pulled into a tiny town in Tuscany called Casanova. We parked our cars and then walked down an ancient dirt road and came to an enormous villa. 4 stories high, entirely made of stone, dark and damp on the inside, and corridors burrowing deep into the hill side. Two ladies […]
Italy Blog #1

We pulled into the gates of our hosts’ Sardinian compound and rolled down the gravel driveway lined with olive trees. They waved us in and we pulled into the court yard where our uncle Jason and Chris Del Morro were nibbling on fresh cheese, tomatoes, and artichokes while sipping on red wine. We jumped out […]

I came across this today while looking through some old photos. I was in Virginia for the Qs back in August, and while eating at a mexican restaurant(don’t recommend mexican food on the east coast) I witnessed this man attempt to eat that 9 pound burrito in thirty minutes. According to restaurant owners he came […]
Tail of the Week: Karlie Kloss

Wow… however you want to say it, Karlie Kloss is HOT. If she were a president she’d be Babe-raham Lincoln. She’d give a dog a bone. SHWINGGG Tweet
Board Blog

Since we have arrived in Bali, the waves have been really fun. Consistent chest to head high surf, slight wind bump, but shreddable to say the least. I got a lovely new quiver of boards right before this trip and have been trying the various shapes in all kinds of waves. So far, I’ve liked […]

Blog needs some love. We’re in Bali for the world juniors having an epic Time! Here are a few random ones from the last couple of days! Tweet
Hurley Pro

This year I was fortunate to surf in the Hurley Pro down at Trestles. Being the lowest seed in the event I had the opportunity of surfing against the two top rated surfers in the world Mick Fanning and Joel Parkinson. I didn’t beat either of them, but I sure did have an amazing time […]
People: Raph Bruwhiler

Well, this photo pretty much sums up Raph. Raph is the most bad ass human I think I have ever met. Being a surfer from Canada, you have to put some serious time and effort in if you want to get good waves. Also, you have to not only be a world class surfer to surf […]
Boards: Hurley Pro Blade

5’9″ 18 3/4 2 3/16 fred rubble. This board is pretty much an exact replica of the board I rode throughout the us open. I rode that board so much that it lost a bit of its mojo. Luckily this one feels quite magic and I’m planning on riding it next week at the hurley […]
Proper Surf Etiquette

As you can see in this perfect demonstration below people don’t seem to know proper surf etiquette these days. Just the other weekend Conner and I decided we would head down to surf Lowers. Knowing it was going to be crowded, we still thought it would be one of those days where you just sneak […]

Mitch Coleborn nailed a cover in a YWT T! He’s a legend as is, but this made him even more of a legend. I guess we’re going to have to come up with some sort of photo incentive or something… ? Thanks Mitch! Tweet
Electric Wilderness: Flip Book
Open publication – Free publishing – More andrew doheny Tweet
US Open

Last week was an awesome week. It was US Open week. I posted up at the shore break hotel and surfed lots of fun heats at Huntington and attended many fun gatherings around the event. All week I was having more fun than ever and just enjoying every moment of the crazy week. I had […]
Conner Wins!!!!!!!!!!!

I just returned from watching my brother combo the final to win the 2012 US Open Pro Jr. final. I’ve won surf contests before, and I’ve never been as stoked as I was carrying him up the beach. He’s come close a lot, but this time he did it. All the close calls and all […]
People: Tom Carey

Tom Carey is a metal head. Tom Carey is a hard ass. But most of all, Tom Carey likes to have a good time. Apart from these few traits that Tom has, he is also one of the worlds best surf photographers. He has the ability to make a surf trip with bad waves get […]
Electric Wilderness: Tom Carey Outtakes

Tom Carey is one of the best people to share a surf trip with. He’s all about surf trips for the right reasons which entail surfing and hanging with close friends, good music, and sharing some beers while laughing up a storm. Tom is also an amazing photographer. He shot our trip to Indo for […]
I miss good waves.

Transworld Surf posted this photo of me in Hawaii last year from Off The Wall. This day was actually pretty funny. I had been in Hawaii for over a month and was surfed out. I had a hurt neck for a few days and I was so tired I literally couldn’t move. The waves were […]
Spray of The Day

Semi boring, but clean and simple, but also some color. We’ve been into painting white down first and then spraying over it. Gives a different look and makes the colors pop a bit better. This one is in my board bag right now en route to Norther Sumatra. Tweet
People: Nick Rozsa

Nick Rozsa. Nick is a European claiming to have blood ties to just about every country in Europe. He sure eats like one too, which instantly created a bond to our fatboysurcamp lifestyle. Nick grew up in Oxnard and won NSSA contest every weekend while people drooled over his buttery style. Nick had a kid […]
Uncle Jason is doing big things!

Check out this awesome commercial our uncle Jason just made for Spy. Its always nice when you walk into the SPy factory and have somebody tell you your uncle is out making their biggest commercial to date. This new marketing plan, which is called “Not your old man’s eyewear,” is genius. It’s so true because […]
Fog Creek

A gloomy afternoon at Salt Creek during the Nike 6.0 Prime. An attempt to escape the mayhem of lowers and get some wedgie little peaks. Mission success! Thanks Perry man! The third one down is the flick! Tweet