
Well, I’d be lying to everybody if I didn’t say I have been lagging on blog posts. I’m sorry for that but March has been a really busy month. I left for Puerto Rico on the 30th of February and went there for a Volcom surf team trip and the premier of Volcom’s new feature […]

You can win this 16” x 20” signed photo from #aikacollective print shop, shot by tom carey. To enter, go to!!!!! Tom is the man and these people are making beautiful prints! Tweet
Volcom Pipe Pro

Well it’s been a few weeks, but it certainly hasn’t been forgotten. Every time I think about this event I get lost in a day dream. The Volcom Pipe Pro is such an incredible event and this year did not disappoint. We had such an amazing time on the North Shore during those few weeks […]
Waves!? At home!?

Yep, it happened, it finally happened. Waves at home, and man, there sure were waves. Really, really perfect blue sparkling cylinders. I flew home from Hawaii to compete in the Rincon Classic and unfortunately had a full shocker and lost in my first heat. But, I stayed home for the next five days and i […]
Old World New

This past October I surfed throughout Ericiera, Portugal with two legends by my side: Griffin Colapinto and Nic Von Rupp. To document all of our antics we had Surfing Magazine’s Sean Benik (filmer), Corey Wilson (Photographer), and Beau Flemister (writer). We scored fun waves, ate a lot, laughed even more, and were the biggest tourists […]
Hawaii Photo Gallery

This past trip to Oahu was short but sweet! Everyday there was a wave to ride with 3 million of our best friends haha. It was so packed there wasn’t even much paddling room, but i did manage to sneak a few away from the pack. Below are some various photos that were […]

So due to the extreme lack of surf on the California coast I found myself sitting on the 405 freeway on my way down to the swell magnet of Lower trestles. Trestles seems to always have somewhat of a ridable wave and high hopes of being able to stand up, I walked down the trail […]
Barbados Jr. Pro!

Howdy! I have been over in Barbados for the last few days getting ready for the Sprite Jr. Pro. Lucky for the juniors Sprite put up this 2 star junior at Soupbowls, a world class right hand reef break that is really rippable when it’s small, and then as it grows in size it starts […]
Board Art

I haven’t painted a board in so long, but today, even though I should have been doing philosophy homework instead, I painted these three bad boys. I’m a terrible drawer, so I like to just go for more of the abstract vibe! Hahah. Tweet
Back to Hawaii!!!

I’ve been back here in Hawaii for a few weeks enjoying the scenery and the beginnings of a hopefully really fun winter. I have been staying at the Volcom house, which is located directly in front of the magical stretch of sand that Pipeline is on. The waves have been super fun the last […]
Portugal 2

Over here in Portugal filming for a little piece for monster children and also competing in a prime event which should be starting tomorrow. Amazing coast line here and some rad culture. Been having a great trip so far and looking forward to the event! Yehawwww! Tweet
Highline Premier Pics

Well, the premiers are over, the video is online, the dust is beginning to settled, but we are stoked, and we hope you are stoked. We had an amazing time both Friday night and Saturday night and we thank everyone who rallied out to see the movie and partake in the fun. We would once […]

Been having an amazing few days in Portugal filled with lots of coffee, croissants, and really fun waves. I’m over here on a surfing magazine trip with Griffin Colapinto and Nic Von Rupp but Brendan Gibbens is on his way to come hang. Europe is amazing and is always a great time apart from the […]
Cut n run 2

Here are a few more photos from our dream trip to the mentawaiis on board the ratu motu(previously indies trader 4). We’ve been having such an incredible time. Amazing waves. Amazing. Tweet
Mentawaii’s Cut N’ Run Trip.

A few weeks ago we got a call from Blair freaking out saying we might have the opportunity to go on the Ratu Motu (previously the indies 4), for a dream surf trip. It was a bit of a long shot and the trip went from on to off, to back on, but it did […]
Jersey Shore!

I just returned from an all time week of laughs and waves while hanging out on the lovely Jersey shore. Sadly there was no Snookie sightings and the Situation wasn’t fist bumping during heats of the bel mar pro, but we did score some super fun little waves during the contest. I stayed at the […]
Cafe Luna Jam

Cafe Luna is a rad little restaurant in summerland a mere stones throw from my house. They have a sunny outdoor patio, a wood burning pizza oven, and delicious pizza among other tasty treats. They do it all from coffee in the morning, to dinner at night. Two of my buddies Donnie Hedden and Travers […]

I just got back yesterday from an epic trip to the Azores for a wqs prime event. It was the third prime I’ve competed in and I ended up getting 9th. I lost right in the last minute to Wiggoly Dantas when i made a mistake in letting him take a little wave when he […]
Way Back Wednesday!

This photo was taken back in the good old days when Conner and I were both doing contests every weekend up and down the California coast competing against kids in the National Scholastic Surfing Association (NSSA) events. With us in the photo is one of the most dedicated and surf stoked humans on the planet! […]

Well, I’m currently in Virginia Beach for the 2013 ECSC event. Within this event there is a pro junior that is in correlation with a 4 star WQS event. For me, I came in high hopes of getting a result in the pro junior and qualifying for the ASP World Junior Championships, however, as of […]
Board Blog: 5’8 Rubble Epoxy

This is a 5’8 19 2 1/4 Epoxy Fred Rubble with a twist. I say a twist because it is a modified version of the Fred Rubble which we created for super groveling. A la US Open, Virginia, Lacanau. The fin set up is Future fins. They are just a standard AM1 template but made […]
France in the Summer time….

I’m here in Lacanau for a 5 star WQS event, but the last two days have been really flat. So, we had two lay days. My trip has turned more into a summer time french vacation than a contest trip. And let me tell you, there isn’t anywhere you’d be than walking down a hot […]

So some lame ass decided to hack our website a little while ago. Right as the us open started. Not that I understand the web world or anything, but he apparently did a really good job of completely destroying our site. The guys had to rebuild it, but finally we are back up and running. […]
Tail of the week winner.

A while ago we did a post about a tail of the week comp. We got some entries, not quite the turnout we were hoping for, but we were able to pick a winner! Sorry for the delay, but we’ve been quite busy!!! This is a photo of Jade Forbes photographed by Jake Vincent. A […]